Course of Positive Philosophy. in 6 Volumes. Volume 1. Division 2. Philosophy of Mathematics and Mechanics

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The course of positive philosophy. Author: Auguste Comte (1798 - 1857) - French social philosopher, creator of the philosophy of positivism, the founder of sociology as an independent science. A full translation of the last of the 5th French edition, edited, with applications and become a professor Savich SE, SP Glasenapp, Khvol'son OD, DI Mendeleyev, Timiryazev, A. C . Lappo-Danilevsky, IM Graves and Lossky, with the application of Professor NI Kareeva. In the six volumes. Volume 1. Department of Mathematics and Philosophy 2. mehanikiLektsii 10 to 18 (the end) and the introduction to 1 volume.