The War with Japan in 1904-1905. Sanitary and Statistical Review

Bok av N Kozlovskij
The basis of this essay on the following statistical data: 1) Official Records of the health of the troops of doctors and institutions; 2) Digital health records and sanitary report cards on doctors; 3) Making the Japanese registration cards to military officials who were in captivity in Japan. 4) Reports on the activities of the Chief of the Field Military Medical Inspector and Field Military Medical Directorate of the Army; 5) Reports of the doctors of the troops from the battlefield; 6) the list name in the military ranks, who died in the medical establishments of all departments; 7) The Telegraph reports the doctors of the troops and medical institutions about the sharp-communicable diseases and mass the troops. In addition, it takes into account published in the press and media outlets articles, notes ivospominaniya campaigners on different issues of sanitary service in the army.