Emperor Alexander I. His Life and Reign. Volume 4

Bok av N K Shilder
The figure of the Russian Emperor Alexander I, occupies a special place in Russian history. With his name is associated with the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the triumphal entry of Russian troops in Paris in 1814; Guide the Congress of Vienna; a decree on free cultivators; establishment of Kazan and Kharkov universities base Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum; large-scale cultural transformation; the abolition of the Secret expedition and cancellation of torture; significant social reforms. For two hundred years, interest in the person of the emperor is exacerbated by the mysterious veil that has shrouded his biography: accession to the throne after the assassination of his father - Paul I, the legend of "posthumous life" Alexander Pavlovich and his Siberian hermit. A thorough understanding of the life and work of Alexander I gives a thorough and fascinating book Nikolai Karlovich Schilder, the famous Russian historian, Lieutenant-General, members of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. His brilliant historical study of this era was a significant scientific and social events at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. And its author for his outstanding work was appointed director of the Imperial Public Library. About izdaniiNastoyaschee, the second edition of the writings of Russian historian, Lieutenant General NK Schilder's "Emperor Alexander I, and the reign of egozhizn" - is one of the richly illustrated (on rare originals), and based on extensive factual material of books devoted to the Russian emperors. Portraits and figures in colors executed in Prague, Czech graphic company "Unie". Phototype and heliogravire - in a studio Golikov Vilborg in St. Petersburg. Zincographies - Angerer and Geshlja in Vienna and zincographies "New Time". Woodcuts - Panemakerom in Paris, Boehme, Zubchaninov, Mate, Multanovsky, Pavlov, and Rashevsky Shyublerom in St. Petersburg. Copies of paintings by artists to paint S. Solomko VP Pavlov and AA Chikin. Photos from the rare originals take photos of the St. Petersburg Judicial Chamber AN Malevinsky. The publication includes portraits of Emperor Alexander I, Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Anna Feodorovna, Count Arakcheev, Prince Bezborodko, Count Stroganov, Prince Chartorizhskogo, Baron Stein, the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, Prince William of Prussia, Prince Volkonsky, Prince Golitsyn, Baron Campenhausen and many others. et al., as well as the kinds of places, buildings, household and other drawings.