The Origin of the Unique Russian Nationality. Russia in the Old Days Before the Formation of the Russian State. Issue 1

Bok av T P Myatleva
Proiskhozhdenie original Russian nationality and Rossiya unto starodavniya days before obrazovaniya Russkago state. This book is written in simple language and is designed for a wide range of readers. In writing the book used by I. Zabelin, "The history of Russian life," DI Ilovaisky "Researches of the ancient Rus', P. Field" Sketches of Russian history in the monuments of life, "L. Chojnowska" Summary of Slavs and Old Russia "Rubakin" How went Russian Land "and others. Mostly made almost straight extracts from the works of the aforementioned authors. It consists of 3 issues (parts). No pages 111-114.