Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. Volume 3. the Statutes of the Civil Service. Book 1

Bok av Kollektiv Avtorov
Original title: Svod zakonov Rossiyskoy imperii. Tom tretiy. The statutes of the laws of the Russian sluzhb grazhdanskoySvod imperii- formal meeting arranged in thematic order of existing legislative acts of the Russian Empire, established under Nicholas I. It was first printed in 1832. Manifesto of January 31, 1833 Code of Laws was declared valid source of law with the January 1, 1835. The first edition in 1832 and the subsequent 1842 and 1857 consisted of fifteen volumes. After the 1857 Code of Laws is completely reprinted, but went only a few volumes. As an individual - the 16th volume in 1885 reached legal regulations. Between editions of the Laws of the annual and consolidated out (a few years) "continuation" of the Laws with indication abolished and amended articles. The statute book contains all actually act in a certain time laws for some problems of law is a guide for lawyers. Selection of legislative material for inclusion in the Code is based on the Complete Collection of Laws (First Complete Collection of Laws, which appeared in 1830, it consisted of 45 volumes containing 30,920 volumes of acts and 6 applications). Collection of Laws - this is largely a historical publication. As it is possible to study the development, the direction of the government's thinking in the country. It is a record of domestic lawmaking. By studying page after page of this record, we can see that at some point in history was the topic of the day.