Notes of a Russian Traveler. Part 2

Bok av A Glagolev
Great work of the writer and doctor of literature Andrew Gavrilovic Glagoleva at the time was recognized by the Russian Academy so important that it took over its publication. The author begins his notes from Moscow itself and talking about his journey through Brody to the Austrian border, describes each area in the historical and social significance. In his "Notes" you can find a detailed description of all items in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France and England, through which he had to pass. He often draws the attention of the reader to the manners and customs of the inhabitants and to the remarkable events that occurred in these areas. Hot adherent of everything Russian, he, where possible, compares Europe with Russia, is the first rotten and decrepit as compared to the young and mighty Russia. So, passing through Switzerland, he portrays the miserable situation of the residents of this country and the freedom of their imaginary names. Speaking of Germany, it points to the many inconveniences and disadvantages of their social life, as compared with life in Russia. But most of all it stops at France, blaming the French for their "atheism and debauchery." Despite some common flaws content "Notes", derived from the views of the author, (although now, after some time, you can see in this "instant print" of reality) should be recognized for their great figurative statement, but sometimes even artistic. At the presentation of his time these "Notes" took second place in Russia after the "Letters of a Russian Traveler" Karamzin and give representation to the Russian reader as a European nation, and on the current image of Russia in the West. Reprint Technology print-on-demand with the original 1837.