Proceedings of Accentuation. Volume 1

Bok av A A Zaliznjak
This edition contains works by contemporary Russian and Old accentuation, written over several decades, - as has already been published before, and new. The first volume contains the research in the field of contemporary and historical accentuation, Russian language. The most important part is summarizing the work "From Proto-Slavic accentuation to the Russian" containing the presentation of the foundations of modern accentuation, Russian language and the foundations of the history of Russian accent. Followed by work on selected narrower issues of contemporary Russian accent and the history of its formation. A special place among them is a detailed description of the two aktsentologicheskoe important for the history of Russian accent monuments - "Meryl Righteous" and the XIV century "Cosmographia" Martina Velskogo XVI century. The publication is intended both for specialists (linguists, literary critics, historians), and for all those interested in the history of Russian words and their accent.