Tectonics of the Visual Image in the Poetry of Antiquity and Christian Europe

Bok av L I Taruashvili
Solving basic for your research you have problems or lack of sufficient prerequisites for an order architecture in cultural-historical archetype of Christian Europe, the author of the monograph naturally reduces the problem to the question of the presence or absence in the very foundations of European-Christian culture of predisposition to tectonics as the intrinsic value of the aesthetic quality. For the answer to this question the author refers primarily to the visual imagery of poetry, with whose views of nature nor tectonics nor atektonichnost not connected naturally by playing in it, as a rule, a minor role, but whose presence in it for this very reason, the most symptomatic of a cultural -cultural point of view. Contrastive analysis of texts of ancient and European-Christian poetry leads to the conclusion that the main exponent of tectonics, the order, with all the brightness of his artistic manifestations, with all its necessary since the Renaissance as a civilizing socio-psychological factor was the European-Christian context the phenomenon of genetically secondary, and not only because of the influence of ancient Roman monuments available with an order of their samples, but also because the indigenous features of Christian Europe as a kind of culture.