Шовен, солдат-землепашец

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Until now it was thought that the French word "chauvinism" is derived from the names of the brave soldier of Napoleon's Guard Nicolas Chauvin. Historian and political scientist Gerard de Pyuimezh proves that a soldier Chauvin in reality did not exist, and that this character - a country boy who, being called up for military service, fighting bravely, and then returned to his native village, and again take up the plow, - invented by French poets and vaudeville writer 1820-1830-ies. Ascending to antiquity, once heroic and comic myth of "soldier-cultivators", which became the epitome of Chauvin, helped the French illusions about the unity and cohesion of the nation. Book Pyuimezha - a kind of political and ideological history of France XVIII-XX century, which was based on the story of French nationalism recension, called chauvinism.