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In the novel, the famous Kiev artist "Snow in the swamp" show the emergence and development of avant-garde art and creativity during the collapse of the totalitarian regime, where art and its creators are lost in the black swamp swamps, snow. The central character of the novel is a Ukrainian artist Timothy Vakulenko belonging to the generation that spanned three epochs, torn by two world wars, swept the spirituality of art through all the tests. The novel is set from 1856 to the present day. The author depicts the founders of Nouveau Art, including dialogue and meetings with living characters, with Malevich, Archipenko, Burliuk, Semenko, Exter, Krichevsky, Kurbas. Apollinaire, Matisse, Degas, Dufy, Repin, Valerie etc. , Presented a panorama of cultural life of the Ukrainian province of Kiev, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Paris. The book resembles a compressed epic like "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak. The fate of the artist inscribed in the history of the family and the country.