Радиогалактики и космология

Bok av O V Verhodanov
The book is devoted to the study of powerful radio galaxies in different wavelengths. The emphasis is on observational data and their interpretation. It tells the story and discussed the prospects of the study of radio galaxies. The properties of these objects, modern physical models to explain their activity and distinction. The results of long-term studies of radio galaxies on the program "Big Trio" on RATAN-600, 6th optical telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory and NRAO VLA radio interferometer (USA). Detailed analysis of tests to check the model of the universe based on the observational data of radio galaxies. The problems of data analysis of the CMB in the presence of noise determines the distribution of galaxies. Graduate students, researchers, astrophysicists, students of astronomy, physics, and all the questions of modern astrophysics and cosmology.