Лингвистика третьего : Вопросы к будущему

Bok av Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič Ivanov
The book examines some of the issues the study of language, representing a burning interest, but has not yet received a final decision. Because of the structure of language vnutrilingvisticheskih problems relating to the division of speech and the relationship between units of different levels, we study the realization of phonemes and syllables within words submorfov historical significance, the reduction in the morpheme and abbreviation of incorporation, the use of whole sentences and combinations of words as a function of a single word, the number of the main elements of the proposal, the degree of compulsion differences verb and name, relationship grammaticalization and lexicalization of grammatical and lexical meanings, Match grammatical structures in different languages, the text as a whole. From questions of foreign historical and social linguistics considered the linguistic situation of the world, examples of multilingual cult - and linguistics of the city, changing the language during the life of one person, the role of reconstruction and detection of relations between families of languages. Because of the problems of poetic language and affective investigated diminutive form, paired words sinesteticheskie communication sounds and colors, the use of information theory and complexity theory to the poetic language and related issues of interrelations Sciences. The presentation is illustrated with examples from the author's research practice and his scientific career. The book is intended for a wide circle of readers interested in language and modern methods of study.