История морских разбойников

Bok av I V Arhengolts
Pirates, corsairs, buccaneers, filibusters have long been the heroes of adventure books. Often pirates they appear romantic heroes, go to the sea of happiness through the fault of circumstances or the injustice of the authorities. But in reality, the history of piracy, which began with the immemorial antiquity (about pirates even Homer says) and continuing to the present day, is full of horrific bloody pages, and the pirates themselves often appear in her robbers, extortionists and murderers, exciting not only single ships, but whole city. . . Among researchers piracy special place rightfully belongs to the German historian Johann Wilhelm von Arhengoltsu. Two of his work "Die Geschichte der Flibustier" ("History of filibusters") and "Die Geschichte der Bukaniere" ("History of Buccaneer"), published in Tbingen in 1803 and 1804. and talk about combat operations, customs, morals and everyday life of the pirates of the Spanish America. Mediterranean, Scandinavia and Denmark are among the best. In this edition of the translation of these books, made in the second half of the XIX century. writer and translator KE Welsberg.