Concepts. a Thin Film of Civilization

Bok av Jurij Sergeevič Stepanov
The key term in this book is the concept. Under the concept refers to a cultural phenomenon akin to "the concept of" logic, psychology and philosophy, historically - "ideas" of Plato. "Ideas - verbal images being names - their implementation" (about. Sergei Bulgakov, 1953). Implementation of the concept - is first of all his name, but often, moreover, in the most important cases, a phrase, a whole sentence, domestic, musical or pictorial, picture, or even something nonverbal, "non-discrete". In our book for this purpose introduced two extra-textual color inserts, like "two books in the book." A study of concepts is not the classification of "implementation", and in the disclosure of their internal mental connections. Therefore, externally book is divided into "chapters (I, II - IX), and internally, in the conceptual themes that run through the head, cross them, "Concepts" and "Antikontsepty"; "Minimizing the literature and art"; "Science and Art"; "Love and famine move the world"; "Sexual philosophy of the Garden (sadism)," etc... In the aggregate of concepts and the offer for a new state public spiritual life, had not yet found a general "name" ("New Anthropology"? "The new semiotics of culture"? " The civilization of the spirit "?).