Fairytale mathematics. Funny poems, stories, games and creative activities help children to love Math

Bok av A Lopatina
This book is an entertaining and fairy-tale form invites children in first trip to the country of Mathematics. Good stories, poems and games make this trip a joyful and creative. Funny pictures for coloring and creative tasks will help children understand and love math. Mathematics has accumulated a huge store of universal knowledge, which can not always put into practice a little kid. Since ancient times, children were taught mathematics, because without mathematics it was impossible to grow crops and build a house that can repel the onslaught of the elements. Mathematics needed people like air. In ancient times, it was the best, most important knowledge that was respected and worshiped. Today's children, as once the children of the ancient peoples of the earth, are in need of understanding the role of mathematics in people's lives and in the creative residence of its laws in their play and everyday life. The book is intended for work with children of preschool and early school age.