Russian Zen. Hidden Wisdom of the Ages

Bok av R Dolya
It has long been a magical tale encrypted fount of wisdom. No wonder they say: "Fairy Tale - a lie, so it hint, good fellows - a lesson." Tales (myths, legends, epics, and so on. D.) To hide the secrets of the universe and hold the key to understanding ourselves. They help to understand and get to the surface of what we imagine about when it knew but have forgotten, they excite the soul and awaken the memory of the subconscious. This book offers the practice of self-remembering. The road is full of surprises to him and at every step the traveler await a new trial. How to grow out of the ground stones with inscriptions fatal, "you will go to the right - the horse will lose, you will go to the left - will be married right you will go - will find themselves." This kaleidoscope appear and disappear fairy-tale characters, adding all new puzzles, so willy nilly, have to become a storyteller himself. And there, and close to the wizard. Well, every self-respecting sorcerer needs the attributes of magic: the magic wand, carpet plane boots runners. But most importantly, this fireworks display images and characters as in the tail Firebird, you have to find the one thing chudodeynoe, his pen that can write his tale ...