108 Meditation Techniques. Overcoming Fear and the Art of Joy

Bok av R Dolya
What is meditation and what it gives? Meditation can not be called only by the state, is not a way of thinking and way of life, this is not the contemplation of it all together, and it is more. It can be known, but can not be explained. But you can try to explain what brings a man meditation. It helps you to turn inward and realize the latent power, which is inherent in every human being. Through meditation, you not only relax, but also to multiply health. If you are agonizingly long time and reflect on some problem, you should drop the thought and sat in meditation. The best solutions come only in such moments. Meditation brings the main thing - the joy of life - and leads to freedom from fear. Yet meditation - it's just a key. It may happen that one day there will be a meeting with, and then the meditation techniques are not needed.