One hundred and techniques for training student success in the classroom in an elementary school

Bok av N L Galeeva
The information presented in the manual recording and authoring technology development of individual style of teaching and cognitive activity student in the classroom in an elementary school teacher, allows the modern to achieve necessary and sufficient level of individualization of the learning process in their classrooms. As a teacher, not just to "see", but also constructively evaluate the levels of development of the main components of educational success? What is "didactic potential" development is contained in each type of study? How to use this knowledge to design an individual trajectory of the student? How to evaluate a joint effort - and teacher and student - in promoting the maximum academic success? These are the questions the readers benefit receive detailed answers. Introduces the reader to realize the benefits will enable teacher professional needs to ensure the selection of methods and forms of work of the student, which will provide each student their own, individual. . .