Неожиданные открытия и новации

Bok av Mihail Ivanovich Osin
The book is written by one of the creators of rocket planes and head of the high technology development of scientific and production association "Lightning". Marked differences glider "Burana" from "Orbiter" Space Shuttle. The methods of ensuring flight safety "Buran" thoroughly rehearsed on the ground, in the atmosphere and in space. It shows the use of computer-aided design configuration, units, assemblies and components of space rocket plane. We consider techniques beschertezhnogo forming a reusable thermal protection. It talked about the people who led the development of the glider "Buran". Many of the specific modes of operation, as well as the design and manufacturing processes were new to Russian engineers discovered aerospace era, so they will be useful and interesting for scientists, designers and students of aerospace specialties.