Zborul Lui Petru Peste Taramul Balaurilor

Bok av Sinziana Popescu
Note: This fantasy for children and their nostalgic parents (longing for the Transylvanian folk tales characters of their childhood) is written in Romanian.Ice Dragons. Fire Dragons. Dragons everywhere. The Other Realm belongs to them now. The Zmei, the Dame Fairies, and the Dog-heads are paying them tribute. The returned Vampires are their vassals. The beings of the Light are joining their forces, but Mar, the Solomonist, needs just eight more children and he will rule over both our world and people's world.Why is this boy, Peter, fighting in this battle? A foreigner from across the seas? What does he know about our ways? Why does he care about us?You'd better learn from his mistakes because you never know when Andilandi will put you on trial.* * *Seria Andilandi continua cu cel de-al patrulea roman semnat de Sînziana Popescu: „Zborul lui Petru peste Tarâmul Balaurilor".Balauri de gheata. Balauri de foc. Balauri peste tot. Celalalt Tarâm e acum al lor. Zmeii, Ielele si Capcânii le platesc tribut. Strigoii întorsi de departe le sunt vasali. Fiintele Luminii strâng rândurile, dar Solomonarul Mar mai are nevoie doar de opt copii pentru a subjuga definitiv ambele lumi: a noastra si a oamenilor.Ce cauta în aceasta lupta Petru, un copil strain, sosit de peste mari si tari? Ce stie el despre traditiile noastre? Ce-i pasa lui de noi?Învata din greselile lui. Nu se stie când Andilandi te va pune la încercare si pe tine.