Fuzzy Magnified Translations of QS-algebras

Bok av Areej Tawfeeq Hameed Akhlas Kadom Obaid
This book consists of three chapters. In chapter one, we introduce definitions of QS-algebras and Q-algebras and some properties . We also introduce definitions of fuzzy algebra, which we need in this work. In chapter two, we show a concepts (fuzzy QS-ideal and fuzzy QS-subalgebra), and also we prove into homomorphic image and pre-image of a fuzzy QS-ideal is also a fuzzyQS-ideal . We define the notion of (,)-magnified translation of fuzzyQS-subalgebra and investigate in some of their properties, we introduce the concepts (,)-magnified translation fuzzy QS-ideal, and also we prove _((,))^C is a fuzzy QS-ideal if and only if U_((,) ) (,t) .Last, we defined (generalized fuzzy QS-subalgebra, big generalized fuzzy QS-subalgebra ), and we study some proportions of it is.and we defined (generalized fuzzy QS-ideal , big generalized fuzzy QS-ideal)and we reach toany big generalized fuzzy QS-ideal , big generalized fuzzy QS-ideal)and we reach to any big generalized fuzzy QS-ideal of a QS-algebra X must be a generalized fuzzy QS-ideal of X if =1 , =0 .