Falsification of the Eulerian motions of lithospheric plates : Circularity of the plate tectonics theory

Bok av Jan Koziar
This book consists of two parts and a supplement. The first part demonstrates that the plate tectonics application of Euler's theorem is wrong and in fact the Earth is expanding. Furthermore, Euler's theorem works only on a constant size sphere and thus all confirmations of the constant size of the Earth based on this theorem are circular arguments. This applies to both plate tectonics calculations based on spreading rates, and geodynamic conclusions derived from space geodesy measurements and calculations. In the second part of the book the circularity of the plate tectonics paradigm is presented with respect to a much larger range of cases. The basis of the circularity is plate tectonics' fundamental - and unproved - assumption that the Earth is not expanding. In fact the Earth is expanding on a significant scale. The present annual increment in the Earth radius, calculated by different methods, is in the range of 2.0 - 2.5 cm. The supplement shows that the major semi axis of the world geodetic ellipsoid expanded at the similar rate as above in the period 1992-2003. Unfortunately, measurements and calculations of the length of the axis ceased after 2003.