Restoration of Sand Stone Mining Area through Microbial Technology

Bok av Kumud Dubey
The present study on "Restoration of Sand Stone Mining Area of Vindhyan Region through Microbial Technology" and soil amendaments has been taken up to restore the stone mining affected area through conditioning of soil with microbes, broadcasting of fodder grasses and planting of tree species. Selected species were having mining restoration potential and selected on the bases of local people choice and discussion with forest department officials. These species were Haplophragma adenophyllum, Pithecellobium dulce, Cassia seamia, Madhuca indica, Ficus religiosa, Holeptelia integrifolia, Leucaena leucocephala, Melia dubia, Jatropha curcas and Gliricidia sepium. Inoculated seedlings of these species were planted at treated stone mining affected area and their growth performance was studied. All species found suitable for restoration of the area. Therefore, these species may be planted to restore the stone mining affected area. Inoculation/ amendaments of microbes, establishment of grass fodder species and plantation are an economically and ecologically viable option for restoration/or to enhance restoration of stone mining affected area.