Mass Multiplication of Aenasius Bambawalei a Potential Biocontrol Agent : Fortuitous bioagent: Aenasius bambawalei

Bok av Soumia P. Sulochanan Gautam Ramdas Guru Pirasanna Pandi Govindharaj
"Fortuitous Biological Control" agent; Aenasius bambawalei Hayat was reported to parasitize Phenacoccus solenopsis under Indian conditions and hence can be one of the potential candidates being considered for the augmentative releases. Therefore, these parasitoids are to be produced in large scale through mass production programmes in the laboratory. In this regard, temperature and relative humidity in the culture room needs to be standardized to get optimum parasitisation and quality female progenies. Among the different treatments temperature of 25±20C and 65±5% RH was found promising without affecting its biological attributes. Meanwhile 20% honey solution was found to be best adult supplement under artificial rearing conditions. Optimum physical conditions and proper selection of the adult food supplement will help in the production of quantitatively and qualitatively superior parasitoids, which could be used for innundative release to regulate insect population dynamics.