History of An Undertaking

In History of An Undertaking, the author succeeded in shaping a group of highly successful images of Liang Shengbao, Liang San old man, Guo Shifu, Yao Shijie and Guo Zhenshan. Liu Qing laid 14 years of life in Huangpu village, and knew all kinds of characters in the countryside, which provided him with favorable conditions for portraying the characters. In particular, Liang Shengbao and Liang San, the two characters, have been included in the ranks of the most characteristic images of Chinese modern literature. Liang Shengbao is the central character of the book and the hero of the socialist countryside. In the way of socialist cause, he IS courageous and knowledgeable and both have grand vision and enterprising spirit. He has both the diligence, the simplicity and the goodness of Chinese traditional virtues and a selfless, willing to sacrifice the publicity of the spirit of the times.