Healthily Releasing Yourself : Ways to Clean Intestine through Traditional Chinese Medicine

Bok av Zhang Bing
Description of Healthily Releasing Yourself: Ways to Clean Intestine through Traditional Chinese Medicine: everyone has feces inside regardless of your identity as an emperor, a rich man, poor people or a beggar. The atheist WANG Chong said that one should clean his/her intestines for longer life. The King of Medicine SUN Simiao explained that the face looks in darkness if one had difficulty in defecating. I say that feces determine birth, senility, sickness and death. Body health starts from intestines! By reading the Healthily Releasing Yourself: Ways to Clean Intestine through Traditional Chinese Medicine, you will know that: there is a cure for constipation - Dachengqi Decoction; abdominal breathing comforts the restless intestines inside; bean food is the best to nourish five organs and for defecation; three things must be done when one gets up in the morning - defecate, take a deep breath and look around; Zhigou and Neiting (two acupuncture points) release intestines and remove body wastes, and are also the guardian preventing intestinal cancer and bliss you with peaceful life.