World's Unsolved Secrets All-in-one

Bok av He Qian
This book regards the knowledge and interest as the principle and shows the most valuable, meaningful and attractive world's unsolved secrets in an all round and multi-angle way. And the secretes could be divided into tem parts: universal supremacy, civilization exploration, abnormal natural phenomena, historical mist, scientific mystery, art trace, military secret, strange criminal case, archeological legend and celebrity miracles and the truth and suspense hidden behind these secrets would be analyzed vividly. Although these world unsolved secrets not have the perfect answers, they could still simulate the curiosity of the human beings and let their imagination challenge the limit and explore the future in a better way. The author selects many fine pictures carefully and match them with the figure, stories and puzzle one by one to create a wider cognitive perspective and imaginary space and bring more aesthetic feeling and happy experience for the reader.