Guide to Civil Engineering Material Experiments (A Textbook for Civil Engineering Major in National Application-oriented Colleges and Universities during the 13th Five-Year Plan)

Bok av Peng Yanzhou
In the book, civil engineering material experiments are classified into two levels: the first is the basic, verification-oriented and demonstrative experiments, including basic performance experiment of civil engineering materials, the basic technical property experiment of cement, basic performance experiment of concrete fine aggregate, basic performance experiment of ordinary concrete, and strength test of wall bricks, which are referred to as the basic level of experiment in this book; the second is the comprehensive, design-oriented and innovative experiments, including the cement hydration heat experiment, concrete alkali aggregate reaction test, performance test of concrete admixtures, as well as performance test on concrete adiabatic temperature rise, elastic modulus, resistance to water permeability, frost resistance and sulfate resistance, which are referred to as innovative level experiment. This book is compiled according to current national standards, ministerial-level and industry-level standards and the latest specifications, mainly including the following contents: introduction, basic knowledge of civil engineering materials experiments, basic experiments, innovative experiments, civil engineering material test reports, etc. It can be used as a textbook and teaching book for civil engineering material experiment for the civil engineering and related majors in colleges and universities, such as civil engineering, water conservancy and hydropower engineering, agricultural water engineering, engineering management, and architecture, and can also be used for the reference of the relevant junior college and secondary school teachers and engineers.