Fascinating Island

Bok av Chen Danyan
This is the journey stories of Chen Danyan recorded from 2004 to 2013 during her four times of travel in Ireland. She walks along the canyons and coastline of Ireland like returning back her hometown, feeling the country worthy of love and pity. What guided her to those secret green island areas is Joyce's novels, the fun Oscar Wilde, the flute sound of Tribal chief's band, the singing of O'Connor and U 2, the Bechtel's Gordo and the poetries of Yeats written in the 20th century ... these Celtic distant and mysterious cultural relics rooted in the ends of the earth and the unparalleled spiritual flowers make the author touches the running water-like everlasting cultural roots in Ireland. The author's travels on the Emerald Island in the Atlantic Ocean over ten years are the cozy roaming of her in the countryside and ancient cities blossoming of flowers, and also a deep observation of how the ancient nation treats the tradition.