Life-Saving Prescription

Bok av Luo Dalun
The 25 classical prescriptions and empirical prescriptions in the book are all derived from classics of traditional Chinese medical science, such as Sheng Nong's Herbal Classic and Treatise on Febrile Diseases, and clinical practice of great masters of traditional Chinese medical science of past dynasties. They are the treasure of every Chinese for settling down, handing down from generation to generation and relieving the world from the suffering of illness. Now, these classical prescriptions are screened, combed and explained in detail by Luo Dalun, a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medical science, to make the ancient prescriptions serve the present, which not only can fundamentally prevent those paroxysmal and refractory cardiovascular diseases, cough asthma, rhinitis, gout and other diseases, but also can effectively treat dermatosis hemorrhoids and other secret sorrows. Among them, after partial prescriptions of the book were shared by Dr. Luo in Program Yangsheng Tang of Beijing TV Station, the mass audiences have benefited. Each prescription introduced in the book has very symptomatic and specific ideas and methods of treatment. Each recommended medicine with homology of medicine and food can be bought from regular pharmacy of traditional Chinese medicine.