Mystery of Treasure in Old Summer Palace

Bok av Feng Jingzhi
In 1860, the Anglo-French allied forces broke through Beijing City and broke into the Old Summer Palace. In order not to let the garden treasures fall into the hands of foreigners, the old eunuchs who were responsible for the collection of treasures in the garden hided the treasures at the last moment before the bandit breaking into the garden and left the clue on the eunuch gown. Later, he drowned himself in the lake and committed suicide. So far, no one knows where are the most precious treasures of Old Summer Palace......More than fifty years later, Jane Telford, descendent of the army which invaded China came to Beijing with his grandfather's entourage to find treasures. And Xia Xiaoyu, the son of Xia Dayu, who was involved in the the military protecting the Old Summer Palace learned after Jane Telford who has succeeded in cheating Xia Xiaoyu step by step-under his command, Xia Xiaoyu gave all the treasures left by the ancestors in the Old Summer Palace to the foreigners. Until Xia Xiaoyu realized the truth, he has already been utterly isolated by his relatives and friends......In order to restore the mistakes made by the foolish, Xia Xiaoyu with his three lofty friends began the contest with Jane Telford who has been supported by the British Museum and the British antique dealer. They secretly followed Jane Telford to go to Luoyang and destroyed foreigners' plot to steal the Buddha head of the cave; went to Anyang and replaced two packets of chicken bones with two packages of good dragon bones; designed a set of interlocking stratagems and led the British to circle in the Old Summer Palace......Several rounds later, Jane Telford did not get any benefit and this time, he had to re-examine his students. In order to prevent Xia Xiaoyu finding the treasure firstly, he secretly sent spying...... The whole treasure seeking process was full of difficulty and when Xia Xiaoyu finally disclosed the truth and determined the location of the treasure, no one knew mantis fill cicada, oriole in the post......