High-value Crops and Marketing : Strategic Options for Development in Uttarakhand

High-value crops and marketing studies the case of high-value agriculture in the state of Uttarakhand in the context of rapid changes in marketing at the national and international level. Uttarakhand is characterized by a significant number of opportunities in high-value agriculture. They include the presence of a high number of endemic crops, diversity in agro-climatic conditions, possibilities to produce for 'off-season' markets, organic production practices, the relative high education of producers, a strong agricultural research capacity, an active civil society, a competitive production environment and a location relatively close to terminal consumer markets, at least for part of the state. On the other hand, agriculture in Uttarakhand also faces significant challenges that limit the competitiveness of its farmers with farmers in other Indian states and outside India. These include the high number of small scattered farms creating problems of aggregation and transport costs, migration and land conversion, increasing water and climatic change problems, environmental vulnerability, wildlife attacks, and a problematic regulatory environment. This book looks at these problems in a holistic manner and suggest ways on how Uttarakhand can prepare itself better to take advantage of the changing agricultural marketing environment. Rapid changes are being made in the processing sector and a retail revolution is sweeping through India. Uttarakhand needs to position itself to utilize these developments. Current high-value chains in the State are not adapted towards these new opportunities. In order to study the different issues that inhibit growth in high-value agriculture this study looks at five value-chains: off-seasonal vegetables (tomato), temperate fruits (apple), vegetables (potato), organic crops and herbal plants. The study suggests that in order to promote inclusive high-value agricultural growth, the focus has to be on improving the competitive environment, on providing information and relevant research and on upgrading infrastructure.