Punjab Politics 1940-1943 : Strains of War - Governors' Fortnightly Reports and Other Key Documents

Bok av Lionel Carter
This volume provides full texts of the Fortnightly Reports which the Governors of the Punjab sent the Viceroy between 1940 and 1943. In addition other important communications from the Governors of their Secretaries are included. In all 170 documents are printed. The early years of the Second World War were a time of great difficulty for the Punjab Ministry. On the economic front it was heavily criticized for failures in food procurement. Politically it had to face Jinnahs calls for Pakistan; the Congress civil disobedience and Quit India movements; and the Cripps Offer of the British which opened up the possibility of Provinces seceding from the Indian Union. On top of these problems there was the sudden death in December 1942 of the Premier, Sikander Hyat Khan, who had done so much to keep the ministry together. The documents throw new light on these developments.