Ergasteria : Works Presented to John Ellis Jones on His 80th Birthday

Bok av Nicholas Sekunda
This volume is the fourth to appear in the monograph series 'Akanthina', published for the Institute of Archaeology of Gdansk University, Poland. As the title suggests, the volume, which was presented to John Ellis Jones on his 80th birthday, which fell on October 10th 2009, and consists of a collection of articles written by his friends, colleagues, pupils and admirers. The front cover is decorated with one of the dedicatee's more recent famous watercolours of the Dema House. The book starts with a tribute to John Ellis Jones written by Hugh Sackett including a colour photograph of the dedicatee at work, then a bibliography of his publications. The following individual contributions mainly deal with Jones' principal field of interest: ancient mining, Attica, bee-keeping, ceramics and the classical heritage in Wales. 188p, 2 col illus, b/w illus (Akanthina 2010) Individual contributions are as follows: Lost and Found: the Tale of a Miner's Shovel (John Prag) Amenhotep III, Mycenae and the Laurion (David W.J. Gill) Eteocretans and Eteo-britons: The Intellectual Prehistory of the Minoans (James Whitley) 'E???S??S ????????????S - A Spartan Craftsman of Ionian Origin? (R.W.V. Catling) 'Knowing the story told about Erichthonios': looking at 'the goddess Athena, the maiden warrior" (Susan Deacy) Athens' Silver Springs (Tracy E. Rihll) Hagnon, Amphipolis and Rhesus (Michael Vickers) Raids on the coast of Attica (Philip de Souza) Mines, Miners and Macedon (John Davies) Pseudo-Scylax on Attica (Graham Shipley) Athens, Sokles and the Exploitation of an an Attic Resource (IG II2 411) (Stephen Lambert) The Golden Pig Tower (Nicholas Sekunda) Miscellanea Apicula (David Blackman, Catherine Bouras, John Hayes, Maria Costanza Lentini) A Knidian thymiaterion from Roman Knossos (Hugh Sackett)