365 and more. Stories from A Thinking Bond Blonde

Bok av Irina Vujaklija
This book has an intention, or it is better to say that my intention is to make you think more, to question everything, your beliefs, your intentions. To inspire you to take action.. to live, to love..  It is dedicated to all those who need that extra boost, to all those who feel like they don?t belong here, to all who feel lost and to all who struggle. This means all of you, because these are situations and emotions that we all face throughout the life.  We live in a world where people have become robots, imitating each other. The world of superficial values and superficial people. We been taught to live up to other people?s expectations, yet no one has taught us to love ourselves. We?ve been taught to serve others, yet no one taught us to take care of ourselves. It sounds like slavery.  Every step I have made, has brought me to here, where I am now. I have way too many experiences that I would like to share with you. My intention is to motivate, to help and to share my thoughts based on my experience and my life situations.  So, if you feel like you belong here, fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride. I will try to explain through a series of short stories my view and my perspective. Speaking about serious subjects but not in a dramatic way. Because that?s what life is.. not time for drama. You should enjoy life and not take it too seriously, no matter what happens. I hope that you are going to feel comfortable and have the sensation that you?re talking (listening :D) to me, like talking to a friend while drinking some coffee. And, yes.. pardon my French in advance. Now.. it's time to enjoy, please, have fun reading it! Namaste, Irina Vujaklija