The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark, Volume 4. Family Aphididae: Part 1 of Tribe Macrosiphini of Subfamily Aphidinae

Bok av Ole E. Heie
This volume treats part of Macrosphini (Aphididae: Aphidinae), with keys to all genera occuring in Scandinavia or expected to be found there in the future and descriptions of some of them, including "Anuraphis, Brevicoryne, Coloradoa and Cavariella; Myzus, Nasonovia, Capitophorus" and "Macrosiphum" will be treated in the fifth volume, "Uroleucon" and "Megoura" in the sixth volume together with Lachnidae. It includes several drawings, taxonomical and biological notes and notes to distribution.