International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 2002: Documentary Yearbook

Bok av Barbara Kwiatkowska
The entry of the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention into force in 1994 and of the Part XI Agreement in 1996, as well as of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement in 2001, coupled with the ongoing follow-up to review of the UNCED Agenda 21 by the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit, make continuation of this assistance of particular significance in the years to come. The members of the Yearbook's Advisory Board are: Judges Abdul Koroma and Shigeru Oda of the ICJ, UNDOALOS Director Dr. Vladimir Golitsyn, ITLOS President Dolliver Nelson and Judges Thomas Mensah and Tullio Treves, as well as Rosalie Balkin, Edward Brown, Bernard Oxman and Shabtai Rosenne.