On the origin of medically unexplained symptoms, Illness, Burnout (MUS)

Bok av Johannes Lindh
Do you feel ill, but your doctor can not fi nd anything physically wrong with you? Do you have pain in your muscles, stomach, chest: are you troubled by shortness of breath, coughing, sensitivity to odors, dry mouth, grinding of teeth, diffi culty in swallowing, dizziness, anxiety: are you sensitive to light or sound?This book deals with causes of the MUS (Medically Unexplained Symptoms) / illness, as described above. It concerns three factors: breathing disturbance, dysfunctional stress hormones and dysfunctional nerve cells in the body. The book explains what happens in the body and suggests what to do to feel better. Many people have fi ve-star ambitions but four-star capability. The book will help you to understand the origin of these symptoms and suggest a remedy. In the sports world many wonder why some elite athletes at a certain stage of their careers suddenly lose stamina. This condition resembles burnout / MUS / illness. Discussion of this is in the book.Sick leave for illness, burnout, chronic fatigue and exhaustion depression are conditions the cost of which rapidly increases for social insurance. Patients who understand why they suffer from the MUS will have easier to handle it.The author of this book is a physician, MD PhD and a specialist of internal medicine, allergology and rheumatology. The book is unique by being based on medical scientifi c research, which has been known for long time among scientists, but not among clinically active physicians or in medical training.