Guidelines for Port State Control Officers : Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

Bok av International Labour Office
The Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), contained in this book are an important international resource for implementing port State responsibilities under the MLC, 2006. They were adopted by the ILO in September 2008 together with Guidelines for flag State inspections under the MLC, 2006. The present guidelines provide practical advice to port State control officers (PSCOs) verifying compliance of foreign ships with the requirements of the MLC, 2006. Chapter 1 contains an overview of the special features of the MLC 2006 and its key concepts. Chapter 2 relates to the required profile of PSCOs under the MLC, 2006. Chapter 3 covers the required review of documents in the case of ships that carry certification under the MLC, 2006. It explains when a more detailed inspection may be carried out. The main inspection tool is provided by Chapter 4, indicating the basic requirements to be complied with, sources of information for checking compliance and examples of deficiencies, in the 14 areas of working and living conditions that are mainly concerned. Chapter 5 provides guidance when deficiencies are found and when a ship may have to be detained in port. Chapter 6 relates to the handling of onshore complaints by seafarers