Safety in Road Traffic for Vulnerable Users

Bok av Ecmt
Between 1997 and 1999 the ECMT issued three reports and three resolutions on safety in road traffic for vulnerable users, namely cyclists, pedestrians and users of two-wheeled motorised vehicles (mopeds and motorcycles). These studies form part of a wider area of review which, in addition to road safety itself, takes into account the demographic trend in ECMT countries - population ageing - and the highly topical issues of mobility, land use planning, the environment and public health. The measures recommended (whether general or specific to each user category) show that much remains to be done to ensure the safety of vulnerable users. The aim is not to promote a single model, but to develop strategies tailored to the specific features of each country. This publication should enable all concerned to take stock of the different approaches developed in ECMT countries and to find guidance in examples of "good practice".