Laboratory Decontamination and Destruction of Carcinogens in Laboratory Wastes: Some Polycyclic Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons

Bok av M Castegnaro
This volume is the tenth of a series dealing with the decontamination of wastes contaminated by chemical carcinogens and the treatment of spills from these compounds. The previous volumes in this series have covered aflatoxins, nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hydrazines, nitrosamides, haloethers, aromatic amines, a selection of antineoplastic agents and some mycotoxins (IARC Scientific Publications Nos 37,43,49,54,55,61,64,73 and 113). The series was initiated in 1979 as a joint effort of IARC and the US National Institutes of Health, and the French Ministry of the Environment has supported the preparation of both this and the preceding volume. Four methods, described in an ISO-like style, are presented in this volume dedicated to polycyclic heterocyclic compounds (acridine and carbadazole derivatives). They all have been validated by collaborative study and tested for absence of mutagenic activity of the residues.