Job Stress Among Police Personnel

Bok av Naik, Kalpesh Dhirubhai & Dangarwala , Umesh R.
This book is based on philosophy that Stress is inseparable and unavoidable phenomenon of any individual. "Job Stress among Police Personnel" is a valuable contribution by the authors on one of the most inevitable organization of any nation i.e. police organization, whose employees are always under situation of stress. The authors justified the purpose of book by highlighting the issues pertaining to various symptoms and sources of stress along with their coping strategies to over come with this phenomenon. This book in comprises about organizational structure of police department in India along with the concepts of stress, trends and dimensions, working style and pattern of police department. The authors have extensively reviewed related literature on Personal, Interpersonal and work place sources of stress, mental and physical symptoms of stress and the coping strategies. This book is not only important for police personnel, police organization, policy makers but for any organization or any individual to deal with the stress of any types and to cope up with the existing stressful situation.