The European Oil and Gas Conference : A Multidisciplinary Approach in Exploration and Production R&D

Bok av G Imarisio
Opening Session.- Opening Address.- Opening Address.- Opening Address.- Well Production and Drilling.- Horizontal wells and reservoir management strategy.- Developments in drilling and production.- Natural Gas.- Synthetic fuels from natural gas.- More natural gas A multi-disciplinary challenge.- Offshore Challenges in Europe.- Offshore challenges in Europe Progress and future developments.- Geosciences.- Reservoir development in a complex deposit environment: Germigny-sous-Coulombs aquifer storage.- El Borma field SITEP Tunesia An integrated geological, petrophysical and numerical approach aimed at an infill drilling project.- Geological modelling of turbidite reservoirs.- The Cleeton reservoir test: Reducing uncertainty.- Geological modelling in HC exploration: Reconstruction of geometries, temperatures, pore-pressures Principles and applications.- Further development of hydrocarbon potential forecast system is a basis for efficient oil and gas prospecting and exploratory works.- Sequence architecture and modelling in the western province of the Troll reservoir, Norway Part 1: sequences, systems tract and sedimentary facies development.- Pore-pressure-induced fracturing of petroleum source rocks. Implications for primary migration.- A multidisciplinary approach to primary migration pathways of petroleum the Lower Toarcian of NW-Germany as a model source rock -.- Ultrasonic velocity: A breakthrough for oil and gas characterization.- Gravity-assisted inert gas injection: Micromodel experiments and model based on fractal roughness.- Prediction of hydrocarbon phase state at great dephts for oil & gas provinces and areas of the USSR.- Fines migration in argillaceous sandstones.- A multidisciplinary approach in reservoir description and production planning.- Facies estimation using wireline logs (electrofacies): A case history from South-East Sicily.- Reservoir rock characterization using computed tomography.- Scleroglucan rheological properties and coreflood performances at high temperature.- Characterization of source rock and reservoir qualities using infrared analysis.- A numerical study on the effect of clay distribution on shaly sand conductivity.- Gamma-ray tomography inspection technique for flooding experiments in porous medium.- Characterization of oil components sorbed onto clay minerals and quartz grains in oil sand.- The effects of brine migration and salt cementation on hydrocarbon reservoirs.- Measurement of gas tracer retention under simulated reservoir conditions.- Operations.- Environmental protection in AGIP hydrocarbons E & P.- An integrated emergency management system for spills of chemical substances.- A multi-disciplinary European approach to developing technologies for the removal of offshore platforms.- The need of rational criteria for fire safe design of offshore structures.- In situ measurement and numerical modelling of the reservoir compaction and of the induced surface subsidence.- The application of physics in exploration and production of oil and gas.- Abandonment and removal of steel platforms.- Mechanics and New Materials.- Poseidon: The multiphase production theoretical approach becomes reality.- The unmanned platforms management in North Adriatic Sea.- Platine Research project on unmanned offshore field.- Column stabilized production platforms.- Determination of in-situ stresses for the design of hydraulic fractures: A three-years study.- P. CharlezThe forged nodes application for off-shore steel jackets.- Eureka EU-191 advanced underwater robots: The WIR technology development program.- The development of a subsea three phase metering system.- An advanced system to prepare and to follow drilling and completion operations.- Monitoring of flexible risers by acoustic emission.- Injection of glycol into CO2-containing natural gas in pipelines for corrosion mitigation. Glycol/water phase behaviour.- A new instrument for measuring gross heating value of natural gas.- New selective