National Development in Romania and Southeastern Europe: Papers in Honor of Cornelia Bodea

Bok av Paul E Michelson
This book represents a tribute to Cornelia Bodea, academician, scholar, professor, teacher, and, above all, friend and colleague to three generations of American and British students of the Romanian past and culture. The studies in this volume, apart from the two contributions dedicated to the work of Cornelia Bodea, are arranged in chronological order. They range from an effort to elucidate the image of Napoleon as seen by Polish participants in Napoleon's failed Russian invasion, to a study on the development of the Albanian national consciousness, in which Romania also played a role, to an illuminating study of the image of Romania found in the classic 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, to World War I, to British cultural policy in Romania, to post-World War II Romanian-American relations, to a study of the contemporary Transnistrian dispute. The scope of these studies reflect, in a way, the range of Cornelia Bodea's own work, which has dealt with grand themes of Romanian