Health Care Policy In East Asia: A World Scientific Reference (In 4 Volumes)

During the past three decades, healthcare systems in the East Asian regions of China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have undergone major changes. Each system has its unique achievements and challenges. Global healthcare policymakers are increasingly interested in understanding the changes that have taken place in these four systems. This four-volume reference set is designed to help healthcare professionals, academics, policymakers, and general readers gain a good grasp of the background and latest developments in the healthcare systems of China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. This reference set provides an in-depth comparative health policy analysis and discussion of healthcare reform strategies in each of these systems. One unique feature of this set is that each volume has been edited by a leading scholar who has been deeply involved in the development of the healthcare system in that particular region. Each of these editors also has invited both scholars and practitioners to provide a first-hand description and analysis of key healthcare reform issues in that system. The many examples provided in each volume demonstrate how findings of evidence-based policy research can be implemented into policy practice.Volume 1 describes and discusses China's ambitious and complex journey of healthcare reform since 2009. The Chinese government has achieved universal health insurance coverage and has embarked on reforms of the service delivery system and provider payment methods that are aimed at controlling health expenditure growth and improving efficiency. This volume includes pilot and social experiments initiated by the government and researchers and their evaluations that have guided the formulation of health reform policies. It provides information on how to make reforms work at the local and provincial levels. The findings detailed in this volume will contribute to a global knowledge base in healthcare reforms.Volume 2 provides a comprehensive review and evaluations of the Japanese healthcare system. Japan has a much more mature and well-developed healthcare system than other East Asian countries; however, because of the inflation in healthcare costs and the country's aging population, Japan has undergone recent healthcare reform in its hospital sector, medical technology sector, and long-term care insurance. This volume shows how policy research can lead to policy implementation. It also provides lessons for other systems.Volume 3 offers a comprehensive review of the developments in South Korea's national health insurance system since 1989 in terms of financing, delivery systems, and outcomes. The volume analyzes the efficiency of cost and service delivery by public sectors versus private sectors. It points out areas of challenge to future Korean healthcare reform. Chapter authors in this volume are leading experts involved in Korean healthcare policy implementation.Volume 4 reviews the development and achievements of Taiwan Health Insurance since 1995. Because of its continuous reform in payment, services delivery, and pharmaceutical technology, Taiwan has been considered a model example of universal health insurance among global health systems. This volume shows the processes used to translate policy research findings into policy changes. While the healthcare reform in Taiwan is ongoing, the Taiwan example provides a real-world and practical understanding of healthcare system changes.In summary, this four-volume set makes an outstanding contribution to healthcare system reform and policy research, based on solid scholarly work. It also introduces policy researchers and academic communities to current debates about health systems, health financing, and universal health coverage. This reference volume is a must for anyone keen on East Asia's healthcare system reform dynamics and changing scene.