International Cultures of Educational Inclusion

Inclusion is hard. Explaining it is simpler and, hopefully, will make 'achieving it' easier. ?International Cultures of Educational Inclusion? sheds a new light on the meaning and implementations of inclusive education across disciplines and in a broad variety of educational contexts worldwide. This book uses 19 case studies to introduce the culturometric Worldview Inclusion Theory (WIT) which explains the fundamental identity premises of inclusion. WIT encompasses two dominant diametrically opposed worldviews, for example, the Capitalistic Worldview (CW) of social wealth and Maslow's Humanistic Worldview (HW); each worldview supports a stakeholder's cultural identity shaping inclusion policies. The main purpose of the Worldview Inclusion Theory is to make inclusion easier by understanding and applying its fundamental identity principles. By ?inclusion? we mean enabling the identity aspirations of ?the other?. By ?easier? we mean fundamentally integrated/synergistic curriculum and resource planning, including personnel education/training and operational achievement of stakeholders? self-actualisation. WIT compellingly provides a powerful operative culturometric model for understanding the central motivation for inclusion: Recognising the purpose of all behaviour is to affirm one's identity hence mobilising resources being contingent on stakeholders' cultural identity alignment. This work is a significant and timely contribution to understanding and promoting inclusive education. A 'must read' for all practitioners concerned with social justice.